Code of Conduct for Schools

Respect for Others

Every student, teacher, staff member, and visitor deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and courtesy. Students must avoid behavior that causes physical, emotional, or psychological harm to others. Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited. 

Academic Responsibility

Students are expected to demonstrate honesty and diligence in their academic pursuits. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated. Assignments, projects, and exams must reflect individual effort unless collaboration is explicitly allowed. Seeking help when needed and respecting deadlines are part of being academically responsible.

Integrity and Honesty

Integrity is the foundation of a strong moral character and the key to building trust. Students must be truthful in their words and actions, both within and outside the school premises. Forgery, theft, or misrepresentation of any kind will lead to disciplinary action. Upholding the school’s values, even during unsupervised situations, is expected of every student.

Proper Use of Technology

Responsible use of technology is crucial for maintaining digital safety and academic focus. Students may only use electronic devices for educational purposes as approved by teachers.
Accessing inappropriate content, cyberbullying, or unauthorized use of school systems is prohibited. Personal devices must not disrupt the learning environment.

Safe and Healthy Environment

Maintaining a safe, secure, and healthy atmosphere is a shared responsibility. Physical altercations, bullying, or aggressive behavior are not permitted. The possession or use of prohibited substances, including tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, is strictly forbidden. Students must follow safety protocols, report hazards, and use school facilities responsibly.

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular attendance and timely arrival demonstrate commitment to education. Students must attend school every day, arriving on time and fully prepared for classes. Absences must be communicated in advance, with valid reasons and supporting documentation if required. Persistent tardiness or unexcused absences will result in corrective measures.

Respect for Property

Students must take care of personal and school property to maintain a clean and functional environment. Vandalism, graffiti, or intentional damage to school facilities or equipment is unacceptable. Personal belongings should be stored securely, and the property of others must be respected. Students are responsible for the upkeep of books, uniforms, and other materials provided by the school.

Dress Code and Grooming

Appropriate attire and personal grooming reflect discipline and respect for the school’s values. Students must adhere to the prescribed uniform policy, ensuring their attire is neat and clean. Jewelry, makeup, or hairstyles that violate school guidelines are not allowed. Cultural or religious attire will be accommodated within the framework of the school’s policy.

At B.S.S. Public School, attendance is a vital component of student success. Regular and punctual attendance ensures continuity in learning, fosters discipline, and builds a strong foundation for academic and personal growth. These rules outline the expectations and procedures regarding student attendance.

Daily Attendance Requirements

Students must attend school regularly and maintain a minimum attendance of 85% for each academic term to qualify for promotions and examinations.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each day and the start of every subject period.
Any student found absent during the day without prior permission will be marked absent for the entire day.

Amol Vihar, Raebareli 229001 

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