Attendance Rules

Daily Attendance Requirements

Students must attend school regularly and maintain a minimum attendance of 85% for each academic term to qualify for promotions and examinations. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each day and the start of every subject period.
Any student found absent during the day without prior permission will be marked absent for the entire day.


Students must arrive at school before the morning assembly begins. Latecomers will not be permitted to enter without valid reasons or prior permission from school authorities.
Repeated lateness (more than three times in a month) will lead to written warnings and may require a meeting with parents.

Absence Policy

Planned Absences: Parents/guardians must submit a written application at least two days in advance for planned absences, such as family functions or medical appointments.
Unplanned Absences: For emergencies, such as sudden illness, parents/guardians must notify the school by phone or email within 24 hours of the absence.
Students returning after more than three consecutive days of absence due to illness must provide a medical certificate.

Leave During School Hours

Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without prior approval from the principal or class teacher.
A parent or authorized guardian must sign the leave register before taking the student out of school.
For emergencies, leave applications can be submitted via email or phone call, but written confirmation will still be required later.

Disciplinary Actions for Poor Attendance

Students failing to meet the attendance criteria without valid reasons may face consequences such as:
Restrictions on participating in extracurricular activities.
Disqualification from annual awards and certificates.
Suspension or repetition of the academic year in extreme cases.

Attendance and Examinations

Students must have a minimum of 85% attendance in each subject to be eligible to sit for midterm or final examinations.
Attendance shortages due to valid reasons, such as medical emergencies, may be considered on a case-by-case basis if supported by proper documentation.
Absence during exams will only be excused for genuine reasons and must be communicated promptly.

Amol Vihar, Raebareli 229001 

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